Thursday, August 11, 2016

Reflection on Week 9

Topic 9: Curriculum Implemetation

Criteria for selecting Content

1) Self-sufficiently

  • To maximize teaching effort and educational resources, subject matters are generalize ability.

2) Significance (Significant/'meaningful to student)

  • contribute meaningfully to students

3) Validity 

  • authentic and not obsolete or incorrect (misleading)

4) Interest

  • Students interested in the knowledge when it is meaningful their life
  • Reason: To allow for students' maturity, use their prior experiences
  • educators should make sure the content engages the individual.

5) Utility (useful/can be used and applied into practice)

  • concerns on the usefulness of the content.
  • enable the students to use the knowledge in the jobs situations and other adults activities.

6) Learnability

  • appropriate organization and sequencing of content
  • However, certain contents are out of the range of students experiences and thus difficult.

Curriculum Contents

  • Postmodernism view knowledge as dynamic and evolutionary - not static
  • knowledge results from a structuring and reconstructing of perceived realities.
  • Knowledge is that results from environment within which human find themselves.

How to select Content?

  1. Addresses cognitive, social and psychological dimensions of the individual
** Content - Facts, concepts, generalizations and theories which are similar
      • disciplined knowledge - Chemistry
      • non disciplined knowledge - environmental education, (concern the advancement of understanding)

How Content are Organized?

** Knowledge is organized...

  1. Based on theories
  2. Into domains - Example: Number and integer are within the domain of mathematics, physics has matter and energy
  3. Systematic, practicality (based on current social and economic condition) and sequenced (emphasized on different topics)

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