Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Reflection on Week 2

Topic 2: The Roles of Curriculum Worker

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Who is curriculum workers?

1) Curriculum practitioners – expertise in instructional arena

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2) Classroom teachersplan instruction from curriculum ideas 

3) School administrators – involving in curriculum adjustments

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4) Curriculum disseminators – make known to curriculum practitioners the existence of curricula and the proper methods of using them.

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Curriculum evaluator

  1. To select, examine and assess data for the purpose of reporting – effectiveness, efficiency, worth of endeavors and creations of other curriculum workers.
  2. Reports = aid in decision making.
    • Materials
    • Achievement
    • Effectiveness
    • Accountability

Curriculum advocates

  1. Are educators and members of the general public – concern and attempt to influence what is taught in schools and how it is taught.
  2. People who know well about curriculum.

Curriculum developers

  1. Intentionally create curriculum materials and strategies for other use in the instructional arena.
  2. Example: textbook writer, teachers, curriculum specialists.

Curriculum theories

  1. Examine the philosophical and ideological underpinnings of the existing curricula.
  2. Study how curricula are used, disseminate, created and evaluated.
  3. Speculate on what curricula should accomplish.
  4. Write book – all for purpose of contributing to the general body of knowledge.

Role of curriculum worker:

  1. Coordination of curriculum planning and development
  2. Definition and application of curriculum theory
  3. Design and application of curriculum research
  4. Provision of aid in filling in-service needs of staff

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