Thursday, August 11, 2016

Reflection on Week 5

Topic 5: Psychological Foundation of Curriculum

In this topic, I am using lot of pictures to give illustration about mu understanding.


Concerned with the question of how people learn. It provides a basis for understanding the teaching and learning process. Both processes are essential to curricularists because it is only when students learn and understanding curriculum and gain knowledge and power to use it that the curriculum has actual worth.

Three major theories:

  1. Behaviorism or association that deals with various aspects of stimuls-response and reinforces
    • Classical Conditioning

    • Operant Conditioning

  1. Cognitive Psychology - view the learners in relationship to the total environment (infornation) and consider the way the learners applies information.
    • The Montessori Method

    • The Theories of Jean Piaget

    • The Theories of Lev Vygotsky

  1. Phenomenology and Humanistic Psychology - consider the whole child including his or her social, psychological and cognitive development.
    • Gestalt Theory

    • Maslow: Self-Actualizing Persons

    • Rogers: Nondirective Learning

Behaviorists Theory of Learning

Jean Piaget Stages of Cognitive Development

Lawrence Kohlberg Six Development Types of Moral development

Vygotsky Zone of Proximal Development

Howard Gardner Theory of Multiple Intelligence

Maslow Theory of Human Needs Hierarchy

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